Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rock, Paper, Scissors, SHOOT

Mouse vs Spider

Fighting and Interrupting are commonplace in our home. Anyone with elementary school age children can sympathize with the “Firsts.” First to finish eating, first to pet the dog, first in line, first to hug Daddy, first to play, first to talk, first to be first, first to PICK THEIR NOSE & EAT THEIR BOOGERS!  AGGHHH!!

The battle is extreme.

In fact, they have become so competitive at interrupting and seeing who goes first to tattle-tell, that we had to make up detailed board-game like rules for the NO INTERRUPTING rule.

Here is the short version:
#1 If two or more people want to speak at the same time, each must raise his/her hand. Whoever raised their hand first goes first. Whoever raised their hand 2nd goes 2nd. And so on. Everyone must wait their turn.
#2 If two or more people raise their hands at the same time OR can’t agree who did, they must play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot to determine who goes first. (Throw on the Shoot)
#4 When it is your turn, you are only allowed one timed minute. This rule is intended for “highly vocal” individuals.

 I can’t wait to add color to these sketches in Photoshop. But “First” I need to learn HOW to color in Photoshop. Back to the drawing board, Enjoy!

Cookin' with Kitty

Dead Bird